Hierophant tarot card

The Hierophant Tarot Card: The Keeper of Knowledge

There is power in knowledge. There is power in wisdom as well. We each possess both based on our individual life paths, experiences, and expectations. To be a Hierophant means to be truly aware of what these things mean to us as individuals. To be acutely aware of what you know and what you can do with what you know is to live a fulfilled life, and as such, others will notice this.

Others will notice and they will tap into your knowledge and wisdom for their own personal needs and growth as they come to you for answers. As a keeper of this knowledge and power, you are in a unique position to shape the lives of others. Take this seriously. Honor those who ask of you the lessons of life by giving them serious and well articulated answers. Consider this today as you are looked to as the wise guru of your family, community, school, office, carpool, or wherever.

Books by Jim Larsen


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