Judgment Tarot Card: Feelings of indecisions and uncertainty
Today, reflect on the Judgment card of tarot and examine the message it has for you., and understand the concept of judgment in the aspect of tarot has more to do with assessment. The judgment card reminds you to examine, every so often, where you are on your path to personal enlightenment and what brought you there.
You may feel that you are undergoing judgment by feelings of indecision and uncertainty. It may feel as though you are being watched and that those watching you are waiting to see what you are going to do or handle a situation. These decisions and situations will have a big impact on your life and the lives of others. So the question becomes, which direction will you go, and how will going in this direction contribute or detract you from achieving your own highest good? Does going in this direction allow you to face and integrate what it is that you need for your personal enlightenment? Or does it represent a hiding from or running away? It’s not as if there is an absolute right or wrong. It represents an assessment of circumstances.
By assessing circumstances, it is illuminated what more you need to work on to achieve your highest good. It is an opportunity to apply lessons learned or/and discover what more lessons are in the queue. It is important to remember we are on a journey, and a quest to discover and integrate what our highest and best good really is. So take time to assess your goals of the past. Did you reach them? Are they in view? What will their impact be, or what has their impact been? Reflect on the Judgment card of tarot as you do this today.