4 of Swords Tarot Card: Untangle your thoughts
The 4 of cups tarot card is advising you to take a rest. Take a break. Relax your mind. This is important to do. If you don’t every so often, your thoughts will run rampant and get incredibly jumbled to a point where you won’t know what is what in your mind and it will, too much, become a wadded up mess of thoughts that will make you crazy.
So relax. Take a nap. Meditate. Untangle your thoughts. Take hold of a thread of thought and separate it from the others. Don’t let other thoughts cling to it and influence it. Examine this thought as a distinct entity. Do the same with all the thoughts that are jumbled up in your head until you can examine them each with undistracted clarity. Now you will have a much clearer perception of what is going on in your mind. Let the 4 of swords tarot card remind you to untangle your thoughts and see them each clearly.