3 of Wands Tarot Card: Explore those distant horizons

The 3 of Wands tarot card tells you that if you are bored, if you are restless, if you are anxious for change in your life, then it is up to you to create something new. It is completely possible to do this. It is a big world and there is much to do, see, and experience. Take note of those distant horizons. Why not explore them? It can be literally. You can see what is beyond your normal scope of vision by traveling to them and seeing them and living them first hand.

Or it can be done figuratively. Learn something new. Take a class. Find a new blog to read. Get a library card, and then use it. Fill your awareness with new and different influences. Experience new ideas and new thoughts about the meaning of life. There is a lot out there. The three of Wands tarot card encourages you to get out of your rut and renew yourself.

Books by Jim Larsen


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