2 of Wands Tarot Card: Make your life what you want it to be. It’s up to you.
The 2 of wands tarot card reminds us that we have the whole world in our hands. The question then becomes, what are we doing with it? It tells us that we can do with it what pleases us. We just need to do it. It happens that we start to feel stuck and stagnant in situations. We just get lulled into patterns and cycles and we forget that we have the choice to make changes. So when you feel stuck, when you feel like you have achieved all you can achieve and are not meant for more, ask yourself- why? Why do you feel like that?
Imagine what it is that you wish you were doing as opposed to what it is you are doing, and ask yourself, “Why am I not doing what I want to do? Why have I allowed myself to get stuck in this rut?” And then seek the answer to that question. Once you have the answer, address it. Make a plan. Unstuck yourself! It is your life. Remember that. Live it to the best of your abilities by following your dreams, passions and bliss. You have the whole world in your hands. The 2 of Wands tarot card reminds you of that. Make your life what you want it to be.